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We are confident you will find here what you need to be renewed, healed, liberated, and made whole.






Counseling from a Catholic perspective.

"Behold, I make all things new. -Rev 21:5


“In my own experience, it was in the confessional that I first saw love and acceptance after my rape, and it was the Church that brought me true healing after many years. When I finally went to confession, it was after a retreat. I went to confess being raped- at which the priest had to stop me and explain to be that being raped wasn't a sin, that God loved me, that I was just as whole and pure as before I was attacked. That priest knowing how to pastorally care for me honestly saved my life.” –Anonymous

“My family ended up being the most supportive piece. Especially my mom. When I was in the summer between 7th and 8th grade I was raped and got pregnant. I suffered an early miscarriage- and through it all I told no one. I was waiting until marriage for sex and I felt every ounce of the control stripped away. I didn’t report because everyone in my life knew him. They knew who he was and I didn’t want to ruin his life. I stayed silent until 9th grade and then I finally told my mom. She didn’t know what to do what to say or how to help me. The next day she took me to the hospital had me check out and then I was taken to the police station to fill out a report. CPS went and talked to his family a few weeks later when he admitted it. I went through very bad PTSD. I could barely pull myself out of bed some days. I cried to my pastor about it and I felt very alone and very scared. When I started going through very intense counseling and therapy, I found healing and learned how to deal with my emotions and triggers. Through it all my mom and my therapist were my biggest advocates. My personal Relationship with God also helped tremendously. I would do devotionals and really saw them working in my life. After a path of self destruction, I wish there was something in the church that had said if you’re struggling, we can help or a system to get that help. I wish my pastor had better advice through it all and that he would have something tangible to remember him helping me with. I am thankful that R.I.S.E. exists now to equip churches to help others find the resources and support they need to get on the path of healing and restoration ” –Anonymous

A Father of A Survivor

"Sexual assault affects the victim dramatically.  There is no way to confuse the trauma one feels after being assaulted.  Still, when the victim is your daughter, the pain cuts into the heart of a father.  Indeed, the entire family is wounded and needs the healing power of God."

"I can now related somewhat with Our Blessed Mother, Mary, when she was pierced through the heart as predicted by St. Simeon.  Even though she was not nailed to a cross, the sword that pierced her heart was overwhelming and bitter."

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